Weekly Events Sundays Holy Eucharist II at 8a.m. & 10 a.m. (Live-streamed 10:00am Services ONLY!) Mondays Small Group on the lanai 10:00 am Centering Prayer - 3:30 PM via ZOOM Overeaters Anonymous 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Tuesdays Step-Sisters, an AA Step Meeting for women 6:30pm Wednesdays Healing Eucharist: 12:00 noon Choir practice: 6:00 pm Thursdays Zumba with Dee; 5:30 pm Saturdays Narcotics Anonymous; 7:00-8:30 p.m. |
Our live-stream services can be seen here on this page and also on our Facebook page @churchoftheholyapostles- no need to have a Facebook account to view. Please refresh your browser window to be sure to see the most current video.
At Holy Apostles, we have continued to uphold illness prevention practices in a post-pandemic world. We refrain from sharing/passing items from person to person. We encourage vaccination according to CDC standards and in alignment with one's own informed healthcare. All church attendees are strongly encouraged to prevent the spread of illness with hand washing and staying home when feeling unwell. updated 12/2024 |
All are Welcome! NO Exceptions!