Liturgical Ministries Altar Guild (Actively Recruiting!) This team prepares the sanctuary for Holy Communion on a weekly basis, as well as special occasions, and oversees the altar flowers. To get involved, contact BJ Saito. [email protected] or Elizabeth Bell at [email protected] Choir and Music Each Sunday, September through May, and special occasions, the choir enriches our worship with music. Special instrumental offerings are also arranged through the music ministry. To get involved, contact Rick Mazurowski. [email protected] Worship Servers This ministry includes all the lay people who serve in worship services, including Lectors, Intercessors, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, Crucifers, and Thurifers. To get involved, contact Evette Tampos. [email protected] Worship Team This ministry assists Pastor Katlin in planning and implementing the liturgy of the church throughout the year, especially for Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. To get involved, contact Pastor Katlin. [email protected]
Governance Ministries Building and Grounds This is a committee ministry that assists the Junior Warden in caring for our campus. To get involved, contact Cathy McPherson-Tampos. [email protected] Communications and Promotions This is a “waiting to be formed” ministry; to get involved, contact Pastor Katlin. [email protected] Finance and Stewardship This a committee ministry that works with the Treasurer and Wardens to establish and oversee our annual budget, strives to generate fresh ideas for raising funds, and represents our church at Diocesan Finance workshops. Stewardship efforts are planned and overseen within this committee. To get involved, contact Ed Reiners at [email protected] Vestry The Vestry is a leadership ministry of the church, made up of elected representatives, the treasurer, wardens, and pastor. To get involved contact Doug Adams at [email protected] or Pastor Katlin at [email protected] Diocesan Delegates This ministry is made up of elected delegates to represent our parish within the Diocesan Annual Meeting. To get involved, contact Doug Adams at [email protected] or Pastor Katlin at [email protected]
Social Ministries Welcome Team This ministry oversees all the things which make newcomers feel welcomed and included at our church, such as name tags, leis, fresh bread, and general hospitality. To get involved, contact Barbara Gallop. [email protected] Parish Life This ministry oversees fellowship logistics of parish events, such as supply stock for Sunday fellowship hour and potlucks on special occasions. To get involved, contact Larida Gamiao. [email protected] Fellowship Teams These teams provide food to the fellowship hours after Sunday services. To get involved, talk to anyone serving food on Sunday mornings, or Doug Adams. [email protected]
Pastoral Ministries Lay Eucharistic Visitors Trained lay people bring Holy Communion to people’s homes and medical centers for those who are physically limited from attend Sunday services. To get involved, contact Pastor Katlin.
Outreach Ministries Feed the Hungry Teams cook and serve dinner every first Sunday of the month at Salvation Army on Ponahawai Street. To get involved, contact Dorri Goodrich. [email protected] Lincoln Park On the first Sunday of each month, an abbreviated Holy Communion service is held in Lincoln Park and pre-purchased and assembled supply bags with basic life needs are distributed. To get involved, contact Maria Jampolsky. [email protected] Meals on Wheels Small goodie bags are prepare and distributed with the Meals on Wheels program. To get involved, contact Dianne Cockett. [email protected] Peanut Butter Ministry On the third Thursday of each month, a team prepares dinner in the afternoon and another team serves the dinner in the evening at the Methodist Church on Waianuenue. To get involved, contact BJ Saito or Dianne Cockett. [email protected] Operation Christmas Child Each Christmas season the church prepares shoe boxes to be contributed to this global program. To get involved, contact Elizabeth Bell. [email protected] Disaster Relief Ministry Kilauea Hui and Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster are our community partnerships to participate in disaster relief. As needed, we collaborate with Episcopal Relief and Development during active disasters as well. To get involved, contact Pastor [email protected] Interfaith Community In Action We participate in interfaith gatherings and events to learn and work with people from other denominations of Christianity as well as people from other religious traditions for the betterment of our shared community. To get involved, contact Pastor Katlin. [email protected]
CENTERING PRAYER Ministry Leader: Lindbergh Marzo Meeting Time: Mondays, 3:30p.m.on Zoom What is Centering Prayer? Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. To learn more, click on the link below that also includes a video on the benefits to Centering Prayer.